Old-school Battlestar Galacticar

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Of course it has no A/C… that’s how the Cylons hack you!


Built by Dean Shorey of Rochester, NY, using parts from a post office Jeep and a small Chevy block V8. It has a cassette deck and no A/C. Details at Jalopnik. [via Dude Craft]

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Report: Exxon Paid NO Federal Income Tax in 2009

Shared by Mystech

As I review the with holdings on my modest Freelance income, I can only say “Gee, must be nice to be above the law”. And before anyone slams me about Corporate Taxes… this is an evasion issue, not a legitimacy issue.

Photo via the Telegraph

For Americans, the deadline to file taxes is fast approaching. It’s not a happy time for anyone: the inconveniences of hassling through all those forms, the belt-tightening, even corporations are cutting back in order to–what’s that? Oh, hm. It appears that ExxonMobil, the biggest American corporation there is, paid no federal income …
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10 Tips to Save You from an ATM Skimmer

Shared by Mystech

I know that I’ve been carefully eying ATMs that I use a lot more recently. I’ve even gone so far to poke, prod and tug the card slot if they look vaguely suspicious.

By Paul Michael

ATM skimmer

If you don’t yet know the term “skimmer,” put it in your vocabulary. The skimmer is becoming more and more widespread, and most of us will, sooner or later, come into contact with one. If you don’t have your wits about you, it could cost you a bunch of cash.

As technology gets more advanced, so do the crooks trying to …
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Tanita Sleep Scan Mat

Shared by Mystech

Regrettably no word if the device will prevent scenarios like those seen in the movie Paranormal.

Tanita Sleep Scan Mat (Images courtesy Kaden Watch)
By Andrew Liszewski

If warm milk before bed isn’t doing the job when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, maybe it’s time for a bit of empirical data to help solve the mystery. Japanese company Tanita has just announced the Sleep Scan mat which monitors and records your body motion, breathing patterns and heart rate throughout the night. Using the mat is as easy as slipping it under your mattress, and the data that’s collected is stored on a …
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Windows 7 SP1 beta appears on torrent sites

Shared by Mystech

Seriously? Is the need to be this “bleeding edge” so great that people feel the need to pirate BETA SERVICE PACKS?

Anyone feeling particularly frisky this morning? ‘Cause it doesn’t take too much work to find what is supposed to be Windows 7 SP1 beta as it’s appeared on numerous torrent sites. We hear it’s the real deal, too.

GeekSmack as a gaggle of screenshots for your perusal, but even that’s not enough to convince me to install it on my system. Windows 7 runs great as it is and I can wait for the official release …
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