Get the Doggies Rolling… In a Dog Trailer

I like dogs, but even I believe in excess.

Pet Trailers by Judson Beaumont in beds furniture


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Raising the Bar on Fetch With Fido

If you’ve ever had the pleasure (maybe) of playing fetch with a Jack Russell or other breed of boundless energy, you know it is a losing battle for all but the most enthusiastic human.  Hyperpet may level the playing field though, with its K-9 Kannon Ball Launcher…

K-9 Kannon

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Shark Themed Pet Bed for Your Dog or Cat Super Villain

Oh internet, you have so many wonderful things.  As much as I’d like to see my pet enjoy this shark-themed hide out, I have no doubt that he’d shred it in a matter of minutes.  If you have a more low-key pet, this might be just the thing though.

We still do not have sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads. ThinkGeek’s Los Angeles Maritime Electromagnetic Radiation team (LA MER) is hard at work developing this technology but it’s still several years away from a cost-effective consumer model. But good news! We have these pet beds that look …
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