Cyclist’s Dog Walker

My partner positively frets every time we leave the dog behind to go for a bike ride. While I’m not entirely convinced it can be done, this device offers an inexpensive way to take fido along.

Dog Walking Aid For Bicycles This Dog Walking Aid for Bicycles will keep your furry friend out of harms way

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FitDesk Combines Exercise and Productivity

Not the first exercise bike to incorporate a workstation, but this one seems to have a bit more polish to it than some I’ve seen. Additionally, the folding design is a nice nod to the space-conscious.


The FitDesk X1 Lightweight Folding Exercise Bike w/Sliding Desk Platform is perfect for improving your cardiovascular health while working on that next big deadline, surfing the web or keeping up with friends. The strategically placed rollers give you relief from daily typing strain and the resistance bands help build upper body strength.

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Perfect Compliment For a Folding Bike

I’ve seen lots of folding bikes, some incredibly small and clever, but this is my first folding helmet that looked nice and practical.  Perhaps the perfect complimentary gear for the space-obsessed commuter. Video after the cut.

green design, eco design, sustainable design, Carrera foldable bicycle helmet, bike helmets, bike safety, green transportation

Inspired by the old pistards helmet made in leather, the new foldable helmet by Carrera is the revolution in the city bike protection. Its neverseen flexible frame gives you the best comfort ever tried, with no compromise on safety, and you will find the perfect fitting thanks to the elastic fitting system.

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Bikezone Signals Take Back the Road in a Serious Way

My little LED blinkies suddenly seem terribly inadequate now…

bike zone, lite-on, award, taiwan, frank guo, hung wang, stuart morrow,design, bicycle, safety, night, cycling, light

Cycling at night is dangerous. It is widely accepted that a safely zone of at least one meter is required on either side of a bicycle, but this is hard for car drivers to accurately gauge, or even remember to do. Additionally, changing lanes or turning on a bike in the dark has its own dangers, even if the cyclist reaches out an arm to signal his or her intentions.

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Get a Handle on Your Bike With Bike Strap

This is the second approach to this I’ve seen in the last couple months, the other employs a shoulder strap across the top bar which might be easier for heavier bikes.  This alternative approach might make the bike less unwieldy though. In either case, I can see the DIYers chomping at the bit to make their own variations.

The Bicycle Frame Handle The Frame Handle (a.k.a. “The Little Lifter”!)  is a comfortable, stylish, sturdy, and easy-to-use leather handle for carrying your bicycle, whether it’s up the stairs, across the tracks, or into the metro.

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