Bug Salt Assault with BugaSalt Shotgun

Starship Troopers and Alien(s) might have ended very differently if our boys had the proper equipment for the job. 😉



A miniaturized shotgun effect is generated through this ingenious design. Ordinary table salt is utilized as a lethal projectile with accuracy range of within 3 feet. Bugs will remain whole for easy clean up.

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Salt of the Earth Creates Otherworldly Shapes

I love crystals and not in a New Age sort of way, I appreciate the beauty that emerges from a few simple laws of physics to create pleasing and sometimes exotic forms. An excellent example is Daniel MacDonald’s works of purified salt.

Shio Otherworldly Lights Made from Salt by Daniel MacDonald

nspired by a childhood trip to Yellowstone National Park, Daniel MacDonald invented a way to create these orb-like sculptures that he calls shio, which happens to be the Japanese word for salt. The orbs are created in a studio where purified salt is poured over forms made by MacDonald. The salt water flows and slowly builds up over …
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