Keyboard Puzzle

Who needs QWERTY anyway?  Though the minute you lose one single key your writing style might suffer a bit.

The keys of the Puzzle Keyboard can be arranged according to the user’s preference. The keyboard allows personalized key arrangements and, thus, more efficient typing. Keyboards can be angled for better ergonomics and wrist relief and efficiently customized for interaction with mobile devices.

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Hideous But Ingenius IKEA Hacked Desk

I’m pretty sure my partner would banish this stainless steel behemoth from our home if I attempted it, but you do have to hand it to the person for a very clever solution.

I had to surrender my home office to make room for my new baby boy 😉 I took an Ikea stainless steel kitchen “work table”, some Ikea computer tower desk trays, two steel tabletops, and two grated steel shelves to make an “office” that I could pack away into a closet.

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