33 Mackenzie Tower, Cyberpunk Architecture

Although the designers cite the “the feathers of Metatron” as inspiration, this building looks like something straight out of a Gibson-esque vision of Cyberpunk metropolis.  It is not without a certain beauty, but it is really hard to look at.


The stark white tower can be seen from afar as it easily competes to standout in the cityscape. “The buildings are clad in Metatron’s feathers,” the architects explained “at the lower levels, the loose feathers wrap around all four sides of the podium, forming a sunshade around the bronze glass. The upper levels of the tower are abutted with white …
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Flatpack EVERTHING With PLY90 Brackets

I’m a big fan of flatpack and furniture that can be easily broken down or reconfigured.  These little things look like a great way to make your own with nearly infinite variety.  Chalk this one up as one of those “Why didn’t someone make these before?”

End table (16)

Making your own furniture can be considered an art, we suppose. Heck, we sometimes wonder how good Jesus was… But that’s a question for another day. The point is, making tables and chairs and things is fairly hard, yo. You have to measure right, angle cuts precisely, and do a number of fairly complex …
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